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Our objective is to create solar-driven alternative fuel technologies that promote future sustainability and establish a training platform for early-career researchers in the design and execution of green technologies.
As the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) continues to rise, there is an escalating demand for sustainable and efficient charging infrastructure along the motorways in the United Kingdom. Photovoltaic (PV) systems, which transform sunlight into electrical energy, offer a practical solution to satisfy the energy requirements of EV charging stations while reducing dependence on the national grid and aiding the UK's net-zero emissions targets. By incorporating PV technology into motorway charging stations, clean, renewable energy can be utilized to power EVs, thereby lowering carbon emissions and operational expenses. This paper explores the design and implementation of a PV-powered charging system for motorway EV stations, emphasizing energy generation, storage solutions, and system performance to meet the increasing need for fast, dependable, and sustainable charging alternatives.


This initiative will establish a distinctive partnership between leading institutions in the UK and Saudi Arabia to collaboratively create affordable, efficient, and zero-carbon energy solutions. This partnership will, (i) enhance the understanding of higher education institutions in both the UK and Saudi Arabia through the close collaboration of top institutes, (ii) amplify the scope and impact of UK research by exchanging research insights between the two nations, (iii) boost mobility between the countries to enrich research experiences, (iv) offer capacity-building training for emerging researchers, and (v) investigate opportunities for developing transnational education. The team members possess extensive research and commercialization expertise, which will facilitate the demonstration of innovative solutions to achieve Net Zero objectives.
Contact Information
Dr. Muhammad Wakil Shahzad
Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies Expert
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